Ok so you’re not Don Juan however this Spring Break you can be very successful with the ladies if you follow a few simple rules. Time management is essential to a successful vacation use each and every one of those hundred hours effectively. Please refrain from getting too wasted. Know your limits and stick to them: drunken nights take away from successful ones. For all you guys that think they’re GQ qualified, some of this advice may be helpful to you as well.
1.)First and foremost DO NOT BE THIRSTY. Please have some class when engaging the ladies. If you are in a group , everyone must participate to some extent (it takes teamwork to make the dream work). The more different groups of girls you approach the better the chances (statistically speaking).

3.)There is a fine balance between seeming eager and taking healthy risks. You only have 5 or so days so be a risk taker, so go for it, because you never know. Again there are only FIVE days in this period of time , meaning that you should be able to find at least three “wifeys” for the week. Treat them good because you probably won’t be seeing them ever again.
4.) When its time to hone in on some QT with your cutie , separate the girl from her group whenever and however possible. Breakfast is usually best for this because it starts the day off romantically and it’s the cheapest meal. (Remember: safe sex is GREAT sex so keep some condoms on you at all times; leave what happens on SB stay in SB)
5.) Finally, remember: Friends that aren’t getting any love are blockers. So if you have to leave your group on a solo pursuit, do so. If you are not successful in reaching your quota for the day don’t give up completely, however, focus your attention on a new goal. During the day there is a 3 call max. if she doesn’t pick up out of those 3 attempts, DELETE her number and keep it moving..
Follow these simple guidelines and you won’t be leaving the beach dry.
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